Sunday, November 15, 2009

You Tube Video of Milner Mile...Spring 2009

In April of 2009, something happened in Southern Idaho that doesn't happen very often. The Milner Mile Ran. It ran high and for several weeks. On one particular weekend Gary Edgeworth, Teague Manley and myself made the 3.5 hour drive to spend a weekend running the Murtaugh (which is directly below the Mile and flows rarely as well) and the Milner Mile. We got to Twin Falls on saturday morning a little late, around 11 O'Clock. By the time we reached the Milner Mile, the Idaho boys (Ryan Casey, Bryan Ward, Mick Mckee, Mark Cechini and several others...) had already done several laps. Ryan Casey was even sporting his playboat.
Rob Lesser once said of the Milner Mile, "It is the Biggest Big Water in Idaho". A very profound statement from one of the legendary figures in Big Water expedition kayaking.
We met up with Snug and the Jackson Hole Kids Club. A few Kid's Clubbers would be running the Mile for their first time and thus, in a sense, graduating into manhood. Frazer Tear and Ty Martin were two of these youngsters and by days end they had nothing but smiles on their faces.
After a scout we got on the water with a gigantic group of people. I think there were upwards of 20 people running the Mile that day. We split into groups and I offered to lead the second group, while Snug led another group. Frazer went with snug and Ty with me along with several Jackson Boaters and Kid's Club instructors. I'm not gonna say much other than that is the fastest and biggest mile of kayaking I've found anywhere outside of B.C. It is a must-run for any big-water connoisseur!

Below is a video I found on you-tube from Brian Ward included with a slideshow from Mike Leeds. Check out their websites for more great kayaking stories and photos!

                                                   Austin Rathmann, Milner Mile

Austin Rathmann, Milner Mile

Cheers, and good lines out their!
Austin R.

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