On November 8, 2009 I ran both drops of Mesa Falls for the first time. With fellow boaters Austin Rathmann, Tyler Martin, Sam Lowenthal, Gary Edgeworth and Carson "Snug" King, we set out for one last kayaking adventure before winter. Our Mission: To get motivated, and huck! After a morning filled with angry phone calls and energy drinks I found myself scouting Lower Mesa Falls. After running the lower drop three previous times I was content on trying the upper drop. Uncontrollable fear overwhelmed me while I was scouting.The line I was entertaining was super small and fell onto rocks if I messed up. After motivating pep-talks from Snug and Austin, my mood lifted and I was heavily considering running the upper drop. After watching sick lines from everyone, I knew I could do it. As I carried my boat to the lip, the fear was back and I knew if I waited any longer I wouldn't do it. I got in my kayak and started to push. Fear overwhelmed me as I was alone at the lip for the first time. Luckily my friends were cheering me on from across the river. My fear turned into concentration and I slowly eased off the lip. I went off the first drop and surfaced upright. After the immediate surprise of surviving, I was moving towards the second 35 footer. My line was impossible to find until I was in it. After starting a little too far left, I took a quick right stroke and was back on track. I tucked and before I knew it I was at the bottom rolling up. That was the sickest thing I had ever run and I was stoked out of my mind! I was proud that I overcame my fear at the lip. Without the help of my close friends/mentors I don't think I could've done it. My mental games rush through my head before every rapid and I fight to control them. I usually just picture my line and tell the voices in my head to screw off. My friends and coaches help me overcome my fear every time I run something big. Thank you to all the people I kayak with.
Teague Manley
Teague Manley

Teague Watches Austin R. run drop 1
The next shots are Teague as he stomps both the first and second drop of Lower Mesa!!!!
Teague Manley at Mesa Falls on the Henrys Fork from Sam Lowenthal on Vimeo.
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